Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of...

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the world and on average it is healthier for you then beer or liquor. The old cash crop of the Americas was tobacco in todays world it is marijuana. More marijuana is transported into and out of this country at a higher rate then tobacco. As of†¦show more content†¦Ive never met a person who smokes tobacco through anything except a Sherlock pipe. These stores have been around for a long time and nothing extremely bad has ever happened to one. There just another type of store that can be taxed and put its share towards GNP. This is all a store that sold marij uana would do be taxed and brings its share of the GNP. How can it be wrong to legalize it? When this would bring in a huge portion of money to the US and put a large section of drug dealers out of work. Also the medicinal uses are humongous. While marijuana kills absolutely no one aspirin kills up to one thousand people per year and other prescription drugs kill up to twenty seven thousand people a year#. Also cannabis has been proven to take down the risk of cancer and they show a lower rate of illness then non-users#. Medical marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms that no other prescription drug has been able to do. The uses that it has the potential are amazing nothing else can compare to it except maybe penicillin. There is an amazing market for new medical drugs not just the development but the search for the all-amazing wonder drug still continues. Marijuana could be this drug if it was given a chance like every other drug it might surprise people but instead people try to ignore it when it has so many aspects of it. Smoking marijuana has been proven to be the most expedient method of use in medically needs.#Show MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Legalization Marijuana Essay1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe Benefits of Legalization Marijuana There are many political groups and religious group that ague against the legalization of marijuana. They state that there are no benefits in legalizing the drugs but researches and economist disagree with that report. There are many benefits in the legalization. The first one is the enormous affect that it could have on the economy growth of the United States. A Harvard University professor of economic Jeffrey Miron , has crunched the numbers and he’sRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana1422 Words   |  6 PagesCannabis Sativa, more commonly known as Marijuana, is made up of dried parts of the Cannabis hemp plant and is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States. For centuries, people all over the world have been using marijuana to achieve â€Å"euphoria†, but the drug has remained illegal in the United States despite countless efforts to reverse the law. In the last few years, the legalization of Marijuana became both a prominent and controversial issue in our country and remains an extremelyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1001 Words   |  5 Pagescommonly known as marijuana is a dried flower cluster and leaves of this female plant. This plant can be smoked or ingested as an illicit drug to induce euphoria or treating illness and diseases. In America today, the word marijuana has risen a concerned eyebrow. The economic woes that plague this country will become abundance through the legalization of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the country in many ways; therefore, embracing it for medical, economical, industrial, and recreationalRead MoreMarijuana Dispensaries are a Quick Fix to an Economic Crisis688 Words   |  3 PagesNeed a quick fix to the current economic crisis? How about opening thousands of marijuana dispensaries, supplying tens of thousands of Americans with jobs, and bringing in billions of tax dollars to the government. Is marijuana a threat to our society and our youth? Or is it a plant, capab le of easing the pain of the sick, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, rejuvenating the weary, and bringing ease to our stressful lives. The war on drugs has been a failure and it affects us all! The currentRead MoreLegalizing marijuana1092 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Legalizing Marijuana The issue of legalizing marijuana, also known as Cannabis Sativa, has been controversial for a long time, and has become even more so in recent years. Cannabis Sativa is a plant that has been used for a variety of purposes by many cultures for thousands of years. Not only does the Cannabis Sativa plant produce Marijuana, it also produces Hemp. Hemp was used to make food, clothes, shoes, ropes and paper, making it a very useful cash crop. Legal up until 1937, Marijuana wasRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized1510 Words   |  7 Pages12 16 January 2015 Why Marijuana should be legalized Multiple studies have found that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco yet somehow is still considered a schedule 1 drug along with other more extreme drugs such as heroin. Marijuana is the leaves and shredded flowers of hemp plant called Cannabis sativa which is usually a green or gray mixture. Marijuana can be not only smoked in the form a joint, blunt, bowl, bong, etc but can also be eaten. Uses of marijuana can be medically or recreationallyRead MoreLegalizing Marijuan The Blunt Truth1461 Words   |  6 PagesLegalizing Marijuana:The Blunt Truth When we imagine the uses of marijuana, we see the dazed hippies of the 1960s and 70’s, but really the first written record of cannabis goes back to 2727 B.C. by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung and it has been dated through almost every historic time. Not only was cannabis used for recreational and medicinal properties, but hemp was also used for cloth and textiles, paper, soap and hygiene products, food, and even industrial products such as fuel. Marijuana is not justRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1463 Words   |  6 PagesLegalizing marijuana is the most argumentative issue in United States. It has been discussed for many years. There are many debatable questions that need the final answers such as: Should Marijuana be legalize and taxed? Should medicinal marijuana in all states? Should the issue be addressed at the national or at the state level? Everything has its own pros and cons, so does legalizing marijuana. It can reduce the pain in medical purposes, prevent consume rs from consuming marijuana illegally, andRead MoreEssay about The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1494 Words   |  6 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Despite late controversy regarding weed or as most professionals call it now medical marijuana, I have a strong opinion regarding given substance. I think marijuana should be legal but Im going to discuss this matter more in my essay. Some topics I would like to discuss would be: should it be legal, is it beneficial for medical purposes, economy, job growth and reducing crime rates. Background Industrial Hemp Plant(â€Å"Hemp, Industrial Hemp field†) For most of humanRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1230 Words   |  5 PagesCan The marijuana movement is more prevalent now than ever. Just recently, two other states have joined Colorado and Washington in the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. On the other hand, the state of Florida did not pass the bill to approve medical marijuana. Although more and more states have begun to see the benefits in legalizing marijuana, many states maintain the view that smoking marijuana is criminal despite the many advantages it poses. Marijuana offers medical and industrial

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