Monday, May 25, 2020

I Have A Learning Disability - 851 Words

High school, a place where adolescences are supposed to acquire information and prepare for college. Unfortunately, that is not the case in all high schools. Students face horrible counselors, which I may include, some are just there to be total social butterflies. Then, students have their fair share of teachers who just do not give a darn. Thus, by the end of the year a student will possibly feel like he and/or she did not learn enough. I was one of those unfortunate cases, and do not feel that my high school adequately prepared me for college. First and foremost, I have a learning disability: dyslexia. Which my assigned high school counselor should know about, to see what accommodations I qualify for. I walked into my counselor’s office to give her all the paperwork that has followed me since elementary school. I take a seat wait for her to respond, but in a blink of an eye, she was interrupted by her boisterous phone. Which, of course, I did not mind at first, I mean I was only one of several thousands of students who attended the high school, and I’m positive several other people needed her at once. When she picked up the phone I figured it was just one of her colleagues who needed information about scheduling (since it was the beginning of the year and it was hectic â€Å"schedule season†). Soon after I began to feel as if I was not even there; she was talking to who I assumed was a girlfriend, about their girl’s weekend in Napa. I was quite bothered so I got up and left.Show MoreRelatedMy Pe rsonal Choice Assignment907 Words   |  4 Pagesassignment, I decided to interview two parents and one person who was diagnosed with a learning disability while he was in school. I wanted to get some insight on what it’s like as a parent and as a student to have to deal with learning disabilities. 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A learning disability can also affect your attention span, memory, muscle coordination, and behavior. Attention span problems, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), often happen with learning disabilities. Common learning disabilities include: †¢ Dyslexia. This causes difficulty with languageRead MoreThe Challenges Of Learning Disabilities894 Words   |  4 Pages Challenges of Learning Disabilities There is a wide debate about whether workers with certain learning disabilities should be allowed to work in â€Å"regular jobs†. Some argue that only certain workers with learning disabilities may be allowed, so as they are self-regulated, meaning they are able to regulate their own behavior. Metacognition, understanding the strategies available for learning a task and what is needed to complete said task, is also recommended for the worker. It is agreed upon thatRead MoreEssay Paper for SPE 557 Latonja Newman Grand Canyon University1430 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Ã‚   Disability Brain Research Essay   Latonja Newman   Grand Canyon University: SPE 557                                               Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   In reflection on  neuroscience and the medical brain research study that explains learning disabilities  I found an online article  that is very interesting,  which explains the concept of  research. Researching students with learning disability has become the fore front of how student development and maintain information. According to  research, the goal of thisRead MoreIndividuals With Learning Disabilities Are All Unique985 Words   |  4 PagesIndividuals with learning disabilities are all unique. A learning disability, to me, is a condition that changes the way an individual learns and impacts how they are able to express the knowledge they have learned. 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