Monday, September 30, 2019

Marilyn Monroe Essay

I have way too many influential people in my life. One too many. However there is one person I’ve looked up to for the past couple of years that really stood out from all the rest and although she doesn’t live today, I’m sure many young girls such as I look up to her and see her as an inspirational icon. Her birth name is Norma Jeane Mortenson but she’s greatly known today by her stage name, â€Å"Marilyn Monroe†. She was an actress, singer, model, showgirl, and soon also became a major sex symbol.   I look up to Marilyn, not only because of how good-looking she was, but because Marilyn Monroe was an incredible person that had gone through soooo many rough patches all throughout her life. She was very up front and bold and didn’t give a damn about what anyone thought about her and what she did, she was very smart. Not just book-smart, but street-smart too. Marilyn Monroe was an amazing person and I can go on and on about her and how wonderful she was. And still is to this day. Read more:  Person to admire essay Marilyn Monroe, as I said, had many rough patches all throughout her life. In a way, she relates to me. Very rebellious and like I said earlier, didn’t care what anyone else around her thought about her, just as long as she had her fun. She was a singer, which is one thing I most definitely love about her. Also, the fact that Marilyn has many of these quotes†¦ if you read all of the quotes from Marilyn Monroe, you’d definitely fall in love with them, just like I have. She came out to be deep and wise with the words she had left behind for the entire world to know. She seems to me†¦ as a realist and also a feminist, which I DEFINITELY LOVE to death, because I’m both a realist and also a feminist. The way she was growing up†¦ it seemed to me that everyone, well most, had tried bringing her down and holding her back most of her life. Telling her in a way that she couldn’t become whatever she wanted to become. That she wouldn’t be able to peruse any of her dreams. That she really wouldn’t go anywhere in her life. Despite all of the let downs and all the people who had tried to bring her down, Marilyn Monroe was still a strong person, who, despite what anyone said, proved them all wrong. I respect and look up to Marilyn Monroe for her confidence, her beauty, her  talent, and also for her perspective on many things in life. Although she had died at such a young age, Marilyn truly did bring out the meaning of â€Å"living life to the fullest†. She made the best out of her life. Had fun, day and night. She had persued her dreams and I look up to her for it because she just basically shows that you can do anything only if you set your mind to it and you let no one get in your way. It’s one of the reasons why I admire Marilyn Monroe so much.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gender Discrimination in Media Essay

Abstract This study examines women’s participation and representation in media. This study is based on the statistics of media units in Solapur city. Women constitute nearly 50% of population in every Indian city, but the participation of women in media is very low. Discussions of women’s representation in the media tend to revolve around the focus on physical beauty to the near-exclusion of other values. It is observed that media content about women issues is biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible .This study also suggests the ways to increase the women participation in media and the ways to rational representation of women in media. Introduction: Women constitute nearly 50% of population in India. Our social system boasts that it has given mother goddess status to women since the ancient period. But in reality society builds psychological barriers around women. This male dominated society imposed so many bindings against women. Therefore role of women was confined only to the kitchen and kids for many years. Social movement started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule, Maharshi Karve and other social activists opened doors for women’s education. Women have benefited greatly as education provided information to them about their rights and their equal status in the society. In spite of these efforts and the 65 year long journey since India’s independence , our nation is lagging behind in many basic things. World Economic Forum conducted a study to measure gender gap. The Global Gender Gap Index examines the gap between men and women in four fundamental categories: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment. According to this Gender Gap Report-2011, India is included among the 20 countries, where the gender gap is widest. It holds 113th position among 134 countries in the world. This report explains that â€Å"India and Pakistan perform above average on the political empowerment of women, particularly India, but they lag behind in the other three categories. In particular, the persistent health, education and economic participation gaps will be detrimental to India’s growth. India is the lowest ranked of the BRICK economies† ( After India’s independence Women’s role in society has undergone seismic changes, which has been reflected in every walk of life. Women stepped out of four walls and succeeded in each and every field. Now women are working as pilots, soldiers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, politicians and proving their mettle in all fields. But it is ground reality that basic structure of male dominated society and roles and presumptions about women’s worlds remain the same. Still the life of majority of women in India remains unchanged. . The women who got benefited through education and succeeded to grab a job have to destine to face male supremacy. Gender discrimination is visible at every moment. Decision- making positions are not accessible for women. Many times working women have to face humiliation. Scenario in the field of media Scenario in the field of media also does not differ from it. Media Still remains as men’s world and this is global phenomena. According to the research conducted by International Women’s Media Foundation( IWMF ) 73% of the top management jobs are occupied by men compared to 27% occupied by women,Among the rank of reports , men hold nearl y two thirds of the jobs, compared to 36% held by women. These findings were collected by more than 150 researchers who interviewed executives at more than 500 companies in 59 nations. ( According to this report statistics of women’s participation in Indian media is 13. 8 % ( e.g. Chief Executive Officer ) at top management , 23.3 % ( e.g. News Directors) in senior management ,18.3% ( Chief Correspondent ) in middle management and 25.5 % ( Reportes, Sub-editors ) at junior professional level . This report reveals that women’s participation in Indian media is very low and gender discrimination is the only reason behind this. Media sector in India is very strong and particularly India ranks second in circulation of newspaper copies in the world. â€Å"The new figures show that the four largest markets for newspapers are: China with 107 million copies daily; India, with 99 million copies daily; Japan with 69 million copies daily; and the United States, with nearly 51 million.† 1 Marathi newspapers in Maharashtra are also enjoying better position. Two Marathi newspapers Lokmat and Sakal are placed among India’s top 10 largest circulated regional dailies in the IRS first quarterly report 2012 . Lokmat is at second position and Sakal is at tenth position in this list. ( â€Å" Women participation in Indian media is negligible. Though a few women were appointed by the media many were not given big responsibilities. The media should be more responsible when it comes to reporting of women’s issues.† 2 This picture is same in Mahashtra state. Solapur city is 7 th populated city in Maharastra .Population of Solapur is more than 12 lacks. There are seven dailies having circulation of more than 25000 copies per day. But participation of women in newspapers editorial staff is negligible. It is observed that young women taking admissions to the media courses is increasing during last few years. But job opportunities are not easily accessible for them. Situation in electronic media seems better than newspapers. Table no 1: Ratio of Women’s Participation in Editorial staff of Daily Newspapers in Solapur This statistics clearly reveals that women’s participation in these newspapers as reporters, sub-editors, editors is less than 3%. Women journalists are confined generally to the table duties to edit women’s page or to cover cultural events arranged for women. Important beats such as political beat, crime beat does not allotted to the female journalists. They work on junior levels .In decision making process women’s participation almost neglected in all newspapers. Table no 2 : Womens participation in electronic media in Solapur Sr no| Media Unit | Male Journalists | Female Journalists| total| 1| AIR Solapur| 05 (71..42%)| 02 (18.58%)| 06| 2| Big 92.7 FM| 03 (100.00%)| 0(00.00%)| 04| 3| IN Solapur TV channel| 08 (80.0%)| 02 (20.0%)| 10| 4| Reporters of TV channels| 09 (90.0%) | 01 (10.0%)| 10| | Total| 23 (83.34%)| 05 (16.66%)| 30| Women participation in electronic media is 16.66% as compared to mere 1.97 % in newspapers. Solapur Working Journalist Union is organization of all journalist belonging to print and electronic media in Solapur .( Table no.3 ) Not a single female journalist included among total 125 members of Solapur Working Journalist’s Union Table no 3: Members of Solapur Working Journalist Union Male Journalists | Female Journalists| 125 ( 100%)| 00 ( 00 % )| Male dominated media managements are not allowing access to the woman journalists. According to the executives of the media, woman journalists cannot work in the night shifts and they are reluctant to cover every beat assigned to them .That’s why we prefers male journalists for the job. This gender biased assumption of the media managements is contrary to the real facts. Women are actively participating in every walk of life such as armed forces, space science, entrepreneurship, education, engineering etc.They work hard without any concessions and proved their mettle. These examples prove that women are going hand-in-hand with men in every field. Therefore women can do their best in the field of media. Barkha Dutt, Nalini Singh, Mrinal Pandey, Sucheta Dalal are some prominent examples of women journalists doing brilliant job than male journalists. It reveals that only reason for the less participation of women in media is the gender bias of the management. Women’s Representation in Media Media plays an important role in the dissemination of information and knowledge to the masses. It is the role of the media to educate people and to guide them for the development of society and nation. But media content about women issues is alwayes biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible in it. Most of the woman’s organizations blame on media that it is responsible for biased and stereotype portrayal of women. Any society cannot progress without upliftment and empowerment of women .But Indian media is engaged in portraying women as housewives.† Feminists objected to the stereotypical portrayal of women as happy home- makers who were less competent than men.† 3 Now women are active participants in every walk of life. Therefore it is important to to properly project the image of women as role model. For these purpose women participation in media should be increased. But mere participation does not change the situation. .â€Å"A large proportion of women thought that there would be a change in program content with as increase in proportion of female employees program quality would improve and more balanced perspective would be emerge. .† 4 Mrs. Suhas Kumar rightly suggested that â€Å"Women must become active participants in the field of journalism and other fields of media to fulfill the all-round development of women directly and indirectly.only through their involvement in journalism women will be able to speak for themselvesand the issues relevant to them†. 8 Therefore it is necessary to appoint women as decision makers in the newspapers. Special training must be given to all editorial staff about the equality principle and the rights of women as human being. Conclusion: Male dominated newspaper industry is reluctant to give access to women journalists. Women journalists are not assigned to cover important issues. News related to women issues covered by male journalists cannot give justification to the issue. There are no guidelines for reservations for women in media jobs.Mere increases in number of women journalists cannot change the gender bias in media. Suggestions: At the end, this study concludes with some suggestions (a) There is need to recruit women journalists in proportion, giving them equal opportunity and access to work in media. (b) The important women’s issues must be rported by women journalist. (c) Special guidelines should be given to all the journalists about projecting positive and real image of woman, without any bias. (d) There should be a provision to punish guilty persons for portraying women as commodity in any advertisement, news, article etc. References 1. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, Jan,10, 2011.8 2. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, June,4 ,2008 3.Thakurta Paranjoy,Media Ethics : Truth, Fairness and Objectivity,Oxford

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Antitrust practices Essay Example for Free

Antitrust practices Essay Antitrust practices are practices carried on by businesses that end up destroying perfect competition in the market. Antitrust laws are laws prepared to seek and promote healthy market competition by preventing anti-competitive practices by companies. Some of the illegal practices that constitute to antitrust behavior include corporate mergers, monopolies and price fixing conspiracies (Bailey, 2010). The Clayton Act of 1914 was passed by the U.S Congress. It was an antitrust law that was amended to stop and prevent practices that led to unhealthy competition in the market. The Clayton Act was amended in order to complement an earlier version of the antitrust law referred to as the Sherman antitrust Act of 1980. This was a federal law that sought to prevent practices that were harmful to consumers such as cartels, monopolies and other unfair business practices (California Association of REALTORS, 2005). One of the recent firms to be investigated for antitrust behavior is Google Company that leads the online searching industry. According to Weiss (2014), the firm recently was being investigated by Competition Commission of India (CCI) for claims that it abused its dominance in the online search engine industry by mainly promoting its own services over those of its rivals. This reason is considered to create unhealthy competition in the business as the search engine company dominates its rivals in what is considered almost a monopolistic market. Antitrust behavior brings about both pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs. Since it damages healthy competition in the market, monopolies can result and this has adverse effects to the prices of commodities. The products end up becoming costly and expensive for the customers and, therefore, affecting the society negatively (Bailey, 2010). On the other hand, antitrust behavior leads to the output of products falling below the market competitive le vel and this is mainly witnessed in monopolistic markets. Then again, the antitrust practices can be costly for any company that has engaged in them since if investigations prove that the company is guilty of the said acts then heavy penalties can be imposed on them. Furthermore, this can ruin the reputation of any company and, therefore, ending up losing its customers (Bailey, 2010). Monopolies and oligopolies are not always good for the society. Their presence in any market simply means they have all the power to control the prices of their products and services. This is not favorable to the customers since prices can always go up any time especially when the demand for certain commodities is high. One good example of an oligopoly is the Coca Cola and Pepsi Companies. These are the world’s largest beverage companies and demand for their products is never decreasing. However, these two companies represent a market with few suppliers while the consumers are many. They have all the power to dictate their products’ prices and the consumers have no power whatsoever (Hovenkamp, 2011). On the other hand, some government monopolies can be considered beneficial to the members of the society. Many governments in the current world control the production and supply of electricity and other forms of energy. This is useful because the governments aim at providin g such services to the citizens at affordable prices and across the countries. It is the responsibility of the government to enhance infrastructure development in the country and, therefore, running such sectors of the economy can be beneficial to consumers. In conclusion, it is important to point out that antitrust practices are unwanted behaviors since they destroy healthy competition among businesses. However, the law is strict on companies that engage in these practices and heavy penalties can be imposed on them. Antitrust practices include price fixing, corporate mergers and creation of monopolies (Reeves, 2010). Antitrust practices. (2016, Feb 28). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dissertation, Journalism, Mass Media and Communication Dissertation

, Journalism, Mass Media and Communication - Dissertation Example This essay declares that MOOCs trace their history back from 1969 when the aspect of open distance learning cropped up. The courses were offered via television microwave integrated channels. Students who had access to these channels watched lecturers on their TVs at off the campus sites. The courses evolved with the technology of streaming content from the internet and the use of electronic submission of assignments. Additionally, the lecturers used the same technique to distribute the learning materials for the enrolled students. The same system is the equivalent to the today’s MOOCs with the cost being the only differentiator. Stanford’s MOOCs technology offers same services to the off-campus students same as the on-campus ones. They receive similar credits up on passing. Early last decade, Stanford University implemented the SEE initiative that entailed offering of engineering and other six Cs online courses free up on logging on to the campus website. Such an idea o ffered lecturer notes and assignments through video technique. This paper makes a conclusion that the Stanford’s MOOCs attracted hundreds of students as it integrated courses with resourceful databases, artificial intelligence and machine learning as compared to the Yale and Harvard styles. With the evolution of the Harvard platform offering similar courses, Stanford implemented the Class2Go and the Venture Lab platforms as the counteracting and competitive online platforms for its students.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Beowulf Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Beowulf Comparison - Essay Example Characterization entailed the poet’s imagination and the themes around those times with most poems having protagonists and antagonists. This is why the poems had aspects of heroes, battles, bravery, loyalty, feuds, meditations on fate and life including harsh aspects such as exile, monsters, as well as transience and treasure. ‘Beowulf’ is no different from Old English poems, one of them being ‘Battle of Maldon’. Both poems are written in Old English, which uses a different kind of grammar from the modern one. ‘Battle of Maldon’ is an old English poem written in Anglo-Saxon style (Bowman 91-115). The old English evolved to what is spoken in the present times and tended to be Germanic while exhibiting minimal French and Latin influence. In order to understand the poem in a deeper sense, students should be somehow familiar with Anglo-Saxon poetry rudiments. Anglo-Saxon poets used alliterative verse. This form of verse uses alliteration as the major stylistic device to join lines of poetry. This is the opposite of devices used in structuring rhymes. In alliteration, the a-verse or first half of a line is linked with the b-verse or second half via similar initial sounds. Additionally, a caesura divides the two halves. This is a pause usually represented in the form of a gap appearing on a page. The poems have reduced elements of internal rhyme but have repeated phrases, which they reused. Both ‘Battle of Maldon’ and ‘Beowulf’ are a series of stanzas, which narrate of heroic, mythical events from a Germanic past and end with the poet’s plight. The Anglo-Saxon style depicts a form known as accentual verse with four beats in each line meaning every half line has two beats. Alliteration is fulfilled in the poem through use of epithets, which is a formula of pronunciation different from the modern English. Another significant stylistic device in Beowulf is the

Youth Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Youth Violence - Essay Example These crime activities can be avoided with the help of sharply recognising the fact that if they are noticed thoroughly and stopped strictly in the first place, then there are lesser chance of such crimes. Unluckily, not much study is done for the analyst of young violence. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders took in accommodation about 22 researchers who researched for two years to summarise the current risk of these children to decrease the chances of getting involved in criminal activities. It has been realized by the long term studies that the predictors of childhood aggression that help in cutting down the percentage of violence with the kids. It illustrates the power as well as the time limit of the factors regarding protection in the favor of the children when it is to its peak. Avoidance and involvement are the two major factors of the predictors. The violence will not rise to its peak if we keep the protecting action and protecting factors in our mind. The quarrel that has been going on regarding globalization includes the points which are required to regulate the global financial system so that the people will get the advantages and the problems that they have been facing will be resolved. There are a few ones who are pressurising on getting out the blockade to international investment so that the capital will owe more competently and give the patrons a variety of choices to go with ( Abstract: Research of "international youth justice, punishment and control" are in the beginning stages but the cases of "globalisation, trans nationalisation, policy transfer and localisation are steadily being spoken about. This report talks about how transatlantic policy transfer is connected to youth justice. Though the topic of youth justice is not very advanced or developed, but steadily it is catching attention. "From a theoretical point of view it is inspired by assessments of how far individual nation states can hang on to their own sovereignty in the face of economic and political globalisation." Looking at the youngsters of English and comparing them with the ones in European countries, the question is brought up after seeing youngsters behind bars that why are there so many children under eighteen are locked up in prison in UK and Wales, but on the other hand, the European countries have a pleasant life. This report takes in a wide summary of advancements in youth justice mostly in western cultures and gives a shot to untangle how forces of "repenalisation and adulteration confronted by the apparently opposing forces of welfare protectionism, restoration, and rights." There is an extensive supposition that the number of young people who need to be punished is increasing day by day in the whole world. With the help of several steps of "adulteration", it can be supposed that nowadays young people are not getting love and care which they should be getting, they are not getting protection nor do they need any of these things instead they are more in desire of penalty due to which they will suffer from the wrong actions of their own. Due to this, the children's rights are being decreased. One noted factor is the impact of the UN Convention in the year 1989 on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the significance of including proper

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Castle family resturant Hris analisis Research Proposal

Castle family resturant Hris analisis - Research Proposal Example The evaluation reveals that each HRIS type has its own sets of advantages and disadvantages, and is suited for different kinds of business settings and organizational size. The large vendors have robust and fully functional solutions that span not just HR but the whole slew of offerings associated with full-blown enterprise resource planning software for large corporations whose operations can span continents and include manufacturing and other complex business and supply chain processes. To these belong the software offerings from SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, Microsoft, and other large vendors with matching global scale operations and reach. On the other end are small niche solutions that target small and medium enterprises, as well as open source software that are supposed to be free, but of course require paid consulting to implement and maintain. Then there are hosted solutions, with systems such as HRIS and ERP being offered as SaaS, or software as a service, which is the recommende d HRIS type for the Castle Family Restaurants. ... INTRODUCTION The idea of implementing an automated Human Resources Information System for the Castle Family of Restaurants makes business sense from the point of view of streamlining HR operations and in the process saving the organization time and money that can otherwise be funneled into activities that help grow the top line revenues, or else funneled into cost savings that can positively impact the bottom line, or profits. The current state of things is inefficient as far as the management of the HR function is concerned. The trips to the sites are necessary on the part of the key HR person, Jay Morgan, only in so far as there are no alternatives to doing the things that he has to do during those trips. The money spent on travel, if there are non-travel alternatives to doing those HR tasks effectively, can be substantial in the long run, and can help defray the expenses to be incurred from procuring the HRIS. Moreover, there are operational benefits in other areas of the HR funct ion as well, that can accrue from the implementation of an HRIS. The management of temporary staff can benefit from an automated HRIS, in ways that cut costs in many measurable and not immediately measurable ways. A temporary staff pool efficiently managed can be, for example, a more motivated staff pool, which may have positive impact on the quality of service they give at work, which in turn may impact business viability via improved customer experiences, more return business, and more sales. If staff queries and concerns are addressed promptly and well, via an HRIS system that does away with waiting lines and delays from manual processes, the result can be a more efficient and motivated workforce as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Company Law, Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Law, Business Law - Essay Example Adam does have several options that he can choose should he decide. Adam can decide to accept the decisions of the board of directors and understand that they do not need the approval of shareholders for certain high-value transactions. The magnitude of special resolutions will determine whether the board of directors would have needed the approval of the shareholders. Further, Adam has the option as a stockholder and a member of the general public to trade his shares publicly, or he also has the option of selling his shares of the company to the majority of the shareholders who agree with the special resolutions that were implemented by the board of directors. In the case of First American Bank v. Shivers, Robert W. Shivers, a shareholder, voted against a merger agreement with FABM Acquisition Bank. He and his fellow shareholders comprised less than the number of bank shareholders needed to defeat the proposal. Adam also has the right to propose questions to the board of directors r egarding the two recent special resolutions. ... Further, Anton does enter into a contract with a local computing company that is operated by one of his friends. During the business transactions, Anton receives a laptop computer and gives it to his son as a birthday present. Samantha is very satisfied with the quality of her new IT system; however, she does discover that Anton has received a laptop computer, and has given it to his son as a birthday present. Samantha should confront Anton about the situation with the laptop computer, and instruct him that he cannot personally give merchandise to his family and friends that have been acquired within the business. Samantha should also instruct Anton to retrieve the laptop computer that he has given to his son. Anton should return the laptop computer of the local computing business if it was given to him as a favor because the company is operated by one of his friends. If the laptop computer was given to Anton for company use, then he still needs to retrieve the laptop computer, and i t needs to be used by Samantha's company for business use. In the case of IBG Insurance Services Corp v. Superior Court - No. 3153400 (Cal. Ct. App. 2002), Robert Zieminski, a senior executive for IBG Insurance Services Corporation, violated the "electronic and telephone equipment" policy statement of the company when he accessed certain explicit websites from his computer at work. He used two computers, one computer at home and one computer at work. When he was caught accessing certain websites from his computer at work, IBG demanded that the computer that Zieminski was utilizing at home be returned. However, Zieminski explained that his wife and children were utilizing the computer at home for personal

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Negotiation - Essay Example This study employed the dual-concern model in order to carry out the research objective. Dual-concern model is widely used theoretical model of conflict resolution styles and has considered by many researchers in their studies. This conflict resolution model has linked with the two frequently used variables of intercultural research such as individualism-collectivism and masculinity-femininity. Dual-concern model has two main dimensions. The first dimension includes the concern for the individual own outcome and the second dimension involves the concern for outcomes of others. These two dimensions of this model give way to four basic styles of conflict resolution process. These four basic styles are avoidance, accommodation, competition and collaboration. Avoidance is basically a strategy people adopt to go the conflict unsettled or allow others to resolve the problem. In this model, avoidance has low in concern for both self and others. Accommodation is basically sacrificing owns goal in order to fulfill the necessity of others. This style of resolving conflicts is low in concern for self but high in concern for others. Competition is mainly a win-lose style. It is an attempt to fully benefit own self while forget about others therefore competition is high in concern for self but low in concern for others. Collaboration is categorized as win-win proposition. This style has high in concern for self and for others as well. Individual who are collaboration oriented will resolve the conflict if really exists in a way that both the parties are equally satisfied and compensated. People belong to individualism culture consider themselves as a distinctive body. The people belongs from this culture are highly in concern for satisfying their own personal needs. However the people from collectivism culture are totally in contrast to individualism. They are not self oriented people. They

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Psychological Effects of Alcoholism Essay Example for Free

Psychological Effects of Alcoholism Essay Alcohol is a well known substance that has been present ever since. It provides a variety of functions for different people from the earliest times until today. In the past, alcoholic beverages were served not only as thirst quencher; it also played a significant role in the aspect of religion (Watson). Alcohol connotes pleasure and sociability through the enhancement of the quality of life. Most alcoholic beverages are well represented in wine, beer, and spirits. They have been accounted for numerous positive and negative effects upon consumption (Watson). While alcohol has been proven to be beneficial if taken moderately, its misuse may lead to alcoholism. Alcoholism is one of the prevailing social problems of today. Alcoholism is noted to be a chronic disease wherein the body becomes dependent on alcohol. It is characterized with alcohol obsession, and the person with alcoholism is unable to control the amount of alcohol being taken. Alcoholism can cause serious problems and may affect a persons relationship, health, finances, and work (â€Å"Alcoholism†). The physical effects of alcoholism are evidently well recorded. It is a general knowledge that the abuse of alcohol may lead to serious problems, most especially the abrupt deterioration of human health and its detrimental impact on the internal organs. Thus, most people often associate the impact of alcoholism on the physical health. However, what is less considered are its psychological effects that are much more damaging and equally painful to the physical effects that the alcoholic person is aware of (Briggs). It was found out that alcohol consumption and mental health are closely affiliated in numerous ways. Based from the summary presented by the institute of alcohol studies, â€Å"mental health problems can result [in] excessive drinking, but that problem drinking can lead to mental health problems† (Tolevanen et al. qtd. in Cattan and Tilford 142). Aside from this, it was suggested that external factors are major contributors to mental health and alcohol problems. These external factors include genes, social and family environment, psychological and culture influence, the perception about the impact of alcohol, and the level of acceptance for alcohol consumption (Tolevanen et al. td. in Cattan and Tilford 142) Moreover, the influence of the expectancies of alcohol greatly affects how people drink. Take for example the young and middle-aged adults. Since the said group of people has a positive perception on the effects of alcohol consumption, they tend to consume more alcohol. It was concluded that people who use alcohol consumption as a coping strategy perceive the effects of alcohol to be positive, and that alcohol reduces the repercussions of factors that induce stress (Satre and Knight qtd. n Cattan and Tilford 142). Hence, although there were evidences that alcohol consumption may have positive psychological effects, it is still apparent that the negative impact of alcohol on human psychology overshadows its positive effects. Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide Since alcoholic beverages are depressants, by the time they begin circulating within an individuals system, they decrease the activity carried out by the nervous system to the brain (Naq). Thus, it was noted that depression may be the cause or aftermath of alcoholism. Some studies suggest that the effects of alcohol have two phases, the initial of which is that it produces a feeling of euphoria which is then generated to depression by the time the alcohol level in the blood has gone down (Institute of Alcohol Studies [IAS] 6). It was also stated that, when an individual consumes an amount of alcohol that is more than the bodys capacity, it would result in stress. In the spur of the moment, a series of psychological manifestations of stress can be observed through anxiety. Certain conditions, such as restlessness, nightmares, and overwhelming fear, are some of the anxieties felt or experienced by an alcoholic (Naq). Dependence in alcohol also results in heightened emotions. Most alcoholics are in a high risk of depression and anxiety, creating a strong link between suicide and alcoholism (IAS 6). Aggression and Violence Many researchers have proven the link between alcoholism and aggression. It was believed that the excessive consumption of alcohol does not only promote aggressive behaviors, but it may also lead to victimization. Alcohol disrupts the normal functions of the brain. Thus, alcohol encourages aggressive behavior and violence. Violence is within the category of aggression, which is characterized by behaviors that are often threatening and hostile. The percentages of alcohol related violence are alerting, and the figures are still raised in the upper limits (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services). According to Bancroft, the consumption of alcohol allows offenders to act on what they desire (47). Because of this, offenders become more insulting and intimidating. Most often than not, perpetrators deny the activity and use alcohol as an excuse. Courts sometimes condone perpetrators who blame the committed crime to drinking problems (Bancroft 48). Obsession Alcoholics are identified as intense and obsessed people (Zimberg 4). Once a person becomes dependent to alcohol, obsession with drinking is the likely result. For an alcoholic, there is no difference between a large and small amount of alcohol. Because of alcohol dependence, a person loses interest with other activities except to get the next drink (Naq). Memory loss  An alcoholic is more likely to experience periods where one cannot remember a thing, otherwise known as ‘blackouts’. It is important to take into consideration that alcohol abuse may result in memory loss, which in turn, may be psychologically damaging and self destructive at great levels (Briggs). Apart from this, the dependence in alcohol has a great association with brain damage and cognitive impairment which may lead to an advance stage known as alcoholic dementia. When such advance case of memory loss is combined with amnesia, the intellectual function of the brain is then lost (IAS 16). Socio-Psychological Effects of Alcoholism The socio-psychological effects of alcoholism may be short term or long term. One of the most prominent short term socio psychological effects of alcoholism is ‘disinhibition’. This is well manifested when an individual lacks self regulation and control which leads to numerous anti-social behaviors. Furthermore, alcohol has the capability to repress a persons ability to respond to emotions and decrease inhibitions which, in the end, may cause the alcoholic to exhibit risky behaviors (Curtin et al. qtd. in â€Å"Short-term and Longer-term Effects†). Disinhibition also may result in activities that greatly affect the society such as crime and violence. For instance, in Australia, where alcohol is deeply embedded in the culture, out of 70% of crimes committed, 41% were done under the influence of alcohol (National Health and Medical Research qtd. in â€Å"Short-term and Longer-term Effects†). Long term socio-psychological impact of alcoholism is apparent in a family. Alcoholism is recognized as a â€Å"family disease. † In a family, the alcoholic may be a father, mother, teenager, and other close relative. Alcohol dependence of one member of the family may lead to family disruption and may put the whole family at risk that may last for a very long time. In a recent study done by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and SAMHSA’s (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration) National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, the numbers of American adults who have been vulnerable to alcoholism reached up to seventy six million (Parsons). Most family problems are blamed to alcoholism (Parsons). Family members take on different characteristics as a way of adapting to the situation. In the case of the family’s child or children, various attitudes may be noticed: (1) Family hero is a way by which a child acts on the responsibilities, exhibiting obsessive perfectionism and doing things that are â€Å"too good to be true;† (2) Scapegoat, wherein misbehavior and delinquency is a form of escape to the situation; (3) Lost child is characterized with passiveness and isolation from others to withdraw from the situation; and (4) Mascot, by making fun of the situation through comic relief (Donatelle and Davis qtd. n â€Å"Short-term and Longer-term Effects†). In the case of the spouse of the alcoholic, the spouse has to take on the status of both parents. This may cause the spouse to develop feelings of hatred, self-pity, and anti-social behavior. The spouse is also likely to become extremely exhausted, leading to physical and mental illness. Moreover, the non-alcoholic parent has the tendency to neglect the children (Berger qtd. in Parsons). The effects of alcoholism are not limited to the physical aspect. It is evident that it has adverse psychological effects that do not only affect the alcoholic individual, but extend to the society where the alcoholic belongs. Furthermore, based from the results that were framed from the study, it is suggested that comprehensive analysis on the psychological effect of alcoholism according to gender should be done so as to give further justification on the subject.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Kata pengantar

Kata pengantar Puji syukur penyusun panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas Research-Based Learning ini yang kami beri nama SuperPowerRanger. Makalah ini diajukan guna melengkapi tugas RBL Fisika Dasar IA. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dosen Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar, Bapak Maman Budiman, selaku dosen pembimbing kami dan semua pihak yang turut membantu sehingga tugas ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Kami sadari bahwa makalah kami ini masih banyak kekurangannya. Kami harap makalah ini dapat memberi informasi bagi orang lain dan bermanfaat untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Penyusun I. Pendahuluan A. Latar Belakang Pembuatan alat ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas RBL (Research Based Learning) Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar IA. Tugas RBL untuk 2009/2010 adalah membuat sistem pelontar atau pendorong yang dapat menggerakkan mobil mainan. Mobil mainan tersebut akan bergerak pada lintasan seperti yang tampak pada gambar di bawah ini. Ada tiga prinsip yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan alat pelontar, yaitu prinsip mekanika, fluida, dan termodinamika. Kami memilih untuk memakai prinsip mekanika. B. Tujuan Tujuan dari pengerjaan tugas RBL ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu fisika yang selama ini dipelajari secara teoritis pada sebuah permasalahan nyata. II. Isi A. Teori Dasar dan Prinsip Kerja Teori dasar pada pelontar mobil mainan ini berpegang pada hukum Hooke pada bab Elastisitas dimana pertambahan panjang (delta L) suatu benda bergantung pada besarnya gaya yang diberikan (F) dan materi penyusun dan dimensi benda (dinyatakan dalam konstanta k). Benda yang dibentuk oleh materi yang berbeda akan memiliki pertambahan panjang yang berbeda walaupun diberikan gaya yang sama, misalnya tulang dan besi. Demikian juga, walaupun sebuah benda terbuat dari materi yang sama (besi, misalnya), tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda maka benda tersebut akan mengalami pertambahan panjang yang berbeda sekalipun diberikan gaya yang sama. Jika kita membandingkan batang yang terbuat dari materi yang sama tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda, ketika diberikan gaya yang sama, besar pertambahan panjang sebanding dengan panjang benda mula-mula dan berbanding terbalik dengan luas penampang. Jika benda kita tarik ke kanan sehingga pegas teregang sejauh x, maka pada benda bekerja gaya pemulih pegas, yang arahnya berlawanan dengan arah tarikan kita. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan x, EP benda maksimum sedangkan EK benda nol (benda masih diam). Ketika benda kita lepaskan, gaya pemulih pegas menggerakan benda ke kiri, kembali ke posisi setimbangnya. EP benda menjadi berkurang dan menjadi nol ketika benda berada pada posisi setimbangnya. Selama bergerak menuju posisi setimbang, EP berubah menjadi EK. Ketika benda kembali ke posisi setimbangnya, gaya pemulih pegas bernilai nol tetapi pada titik ini kecepatan benda maksimum. Karena kecepatannya maksimum, maka ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, EK bernilai maksimum. Benda masih terus bergerak ke kiri karena ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, kecepatan benda maksimum. Ketika bergerak ke kiri, Gaya pemulih pegas menarik benda kembali ke posisi setimbang, sehingga benda berhenti sesaat pada simpangan sejauh -x dan bergerak kembali menuju posisi setimbang. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan sejauh -x, EK benda = 0 karena kecepatan benda = 0. pada posisi ini EP bernilai maksimum. Pada penjelasan di atas, tampak bahwa ketika bergerak dari posisi setimbang menuju ke kiri sejauh x = -A (A = amplitudo / simpangan terjauh), kecepatan benda menjadi berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda tepat berada pada x = -A. Karena kecepatan benda berkurang, maka EK benda juga berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda berada pada x = -A. Karena adanya gaya pemulih pegas yang menarik benda kembali ke kanan (menuju posisi setimbang), benda memperoleh kecepatan dan Energi Kinetiknya lagi. EK benda bernilai maksimum ketika benda tepat berada pada x = 0, karena laju gerak benda pada posisi tersebut bernilai maksimum. Proses perubahan energi antara EK dan EP berlangsung terus menerus selama benda bergerak bolak balik. Total EP dan EK selama benda bergetar besarnya tetap atau konstan. B. Rancangan Alat dan Bahan Bahan: Gagang Payung Bekas Triplek Balok Kayu Pegas Lempengan Seng Paku Alat: Gergaji Lem Cara Kerja: Tarik batang sebesar delta x seperti apa yang kita dapat dari hasil perhitungan, tahan sebentar untuk memastikan jarak, setelah melihat jaraknya kemudian lepaskan. C. Perhitungan Melalui beberapa percobaan, maka di dapatkan konstanta pegas = 326 N m-1 Kecepatan saat di puncak ÃŽ £F = m.ass m.g = m.v Untuk mencari kecepatan minimum, kita pilih N=0 m.g = m v2/R g.r = Menentukan kecepatan minimum benda sebelum memutar agar benda bisa memutar Dengan prinsip Usaha-Energi ,-.=,-. h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2. Kita anggap bahwa roda itu berbentuk silinder pejal, =,1-2.,-2., karena Massa roda sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan massa mobil serta jari-jari roda juga sangat kecil, maka Energi kinetic rotasi dapat kita abaikan. h-.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2. (2)+,1-2.,(,-.)-2.=0+,1-2.,-2. 5-2.=,1-2.,-2. -.=,-5h. -.=,-5.9,78.28.,,10-2.-. D. Hasil Percobaan III. Penutup Kesimpulan Saran